Festive Cool in Plaid

Between hosting my cousins at our place this past weekend (we ran in a hilarious ugly sweater fun run), Christmas shopping (and wrapping), styling a punk-themed holiday photo shoot, and heading into San Francisco for my husband’s holiday work party last night, this week has been quite festive! Plus, my guy and I are off again tomorrow en route to Carmel for a holiday getaway of sorts. We started a tradition a couple of years back in which we like to plan a getaway around this time of year, splurging on travel and quality time together rather than unnecessary gifts. And since we haven’t spent an entire weekend together–just the two of us–in a while, I cannot waitOh and going along with the festiveness of the week I’m wearing plaid and I’ve finally created a holiday pin board as a place to save all of my seasonal inspirations. Happy Friday! 

Wearing: gifted Equipment Bomber Jacket (love the shirt too).  Rodarte Tee.  Mother Pants.
Rag & Bone Boots.  Céline Bag.  gifted Seiko Watch.  Jennifer Fisher Cuffs.
Photography by Michelle Drewes.

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