
Decorating the Christmas tree, gingerbread house competitions, ugly sweater runs, festive getawayssnowboarding races down the mountain with my guy, lingering over my Nana’s homemade raviolis, and visions of my Dad dangling from the ladder while putting up the Christmas lights and making ridiculously silly faces at us girls all stand out in my mind as some of my favorite holiday memories. For me, this time of year is all about the quality time spent with my friends and family. So when the giddiness and anticipation of Christmas morning finally comes around–receiving presents and spoiling my loved ones with gifts seems like a bonus as the entire month has already been so much fun.

When it does come to gift-giving I typically sway on the side of purchasing thoughtful little luxuries that I know the gals or guys won’t typically buy for themselves. (This and silly gifts because I like to get a chuckle out of them–especially my guy.) I stopped by my local Nordstrom (it’s nice to be near one again as I’ve long been a Nordy’s girl) this past weekend to get some inspiration as I knew it’d be the perfect one-stop shop and ended up finishing up most of my holiday shopping. ScoreI came home with quite a few goodies, including festive colored lacquers, pretty-pink glosses, a couple of sweaters, and some joke gifts for my guy from Nordstrom’s cool Pop-In
Nordstrom’s gift boxes are already so pretty however I was inspired by this image and bought brown crate paper, twine, and plaid ribbon to add into the mix. Now I’m not über talented when it comes to wrapping presents however I do love to do it because it is the perfect excuse to blast the Christmas music. It’s actually mandatory to have it on while wrapping. I was only bummed that I didn’t think to pour myself a glass of champagne (or eggnog) to round out the occasion. So how’s your holiday shopping and wrapping coming along?
WearingVince Sweater.  R13 Pants.  Iro Booties.  Jennifer Fisher Cuffs.
So proud, had to take some shots for InstagramObviously
Photography by Michelle Drewes.

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