Mini Moments

A simple floral arrangement on display for our lovely guests.
My sister and cousin arrived last night and I’m excited to play tour guide (and tourist ~ let’s be honest) with them over the next few days. Thanks to all who gave me additional recommendations for places to take them around the city via twitter this week… you’re the best. I’m most looking forward to showing them some of my neighborhood favorites, checking out The Cloisters and taking them for a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.

On another note, here a few snaps from my week!

His (Alligator) & Her (Cynthia Rowley and Jonathan Adler Tea Cups). 

My go-to summertime salad: arugula, yellow tomato, cucumber and avocado drizzled with olive oil.
Afternoon Tea: Harney & Sons Green Tea with Coconut Ginger and Vanilla.

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