Mini Moments

Wearing a Zara dress and Tory Burch Necklace after stopping by Otte

This week has been mighty productive on the apartment front. We have a dresser and shelves built all thanks to my guy (and Ikea), curtains were hung, a lucite chair was salvaged off the street (total score) and our couch is on the way. It’s a good start at least. We’ve enjoyed exploring our new neighborhood, ventured down to the 9/11 memorial, ran into John Stamos (Uncle Jessie) in Theory and grabbed drinks with friends at Beauty and Essex. I’m looking forward to making the most of the weekend with multiple brunches and a yoga date!

New white leather Poshlocket bracelets.

An adorable drawing of my guy and I on our wedding day (from my sister).
Waiting for our furniture to arrive and blogging via a lovely step stool in our apartment.

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