Mini Moments

New desktop goodies (monogrammed pencil and business card holder from Design Darling).

New York City is starting to feel more and more like home. I’ve discovered a work-out class that I can’t get enough of (Soul Cycle), went to a Yankee’s game, had my first L train experience, have been cooking for my guy in our miniature kitchen (mostly simple pasta dishes which are my speciality) and can actually help direct tourists get to where they want to be. Bonus: my little sister and cousin booked flights to visit me next week. Life is good! 

These cute Kitsch ties having been keeping my hair out of my face while spinning. 

DIY supplies from this past weekend (the finished project turned out better than I anticipated).

I am crushing on these cheetah print (spring 2013) Kelsi Dagger heels.

Everything feels fancier when eaten on our china (isn’t it pretty?).

Gathering fall (outfit) ideas. In fact, I started a Pinterest board dedicated to fall inspiration yesterday.

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