Weekend Bump Style: 30 Weeks

This week felt like a major milestone of sorts as now at 30 weeks, this baby is invading my space.  I guess I’m really doing this pregnancy thing!  After weeks and weeks of feeling 100%, baby boy is now crowding my lungs (which has made for many sleepless nights), kicking me in the ribs, squishing my stomach, and causing some pesky little cramps when I sit for too long.  On the flip side, my bump is more obvious now which means strangers are commenting and asking when I’m due which has been so sweet.

Throughout my pregnancy I’ve tried to walk as much as possible which has honestly been my main form of exercise, and these past couple weeks it became necessary to invest in a more comfortable (and flattering) pair of leggings.  These from HATCH are my new best friends (along with these maternity pants!) as they’re lower rise and meant to be worn under the belly.  I like that I can wear them to workout in but can also throw on a cargo jacket or sweater and transition them into an easy weekend errand-running look.  I also scooped up this tank as more than anything I’ve found I just need more longer tops.

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The Look |  Hatch Tank + Leggings.  Citizens of Humanity Cargo Jacket (also love).  Golden Goose Sneakers.  Chloe Purse.

Photography | Stephanie Russo


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