Autumnal Arrangements

This past weekend my mom put me in charge of the decor for my Dad’s birthday party, and while these stunningly colorful farmers market blooms were a must, I also wanted to add in some unexpected touches and greenery to make the vibe a bit more masculine for good ol’ Dad. 

You all know my crazy love for cacti and succulents, so of course they made the cut, but my favorite new addition was: rosemary. (I’m now borderline obsessed with adding this fragrant herb to bouquets to keep around our apartment year round.The combination made for a pretty cool autumnal display if you ask me and ideal for any upcoming parties you may be hosting, ahem–Thanksgiving.

What you’ll need: wheat, rosemary, cacti, a mix of seasonal flowers, and a hodge podge of vases.
I was especially excited to pot my cacti in the vases I recently scooped up in Palm Springs (for $3!), as well as an old metal box I found at an antique store in my hometown. I loved the mix!
Wearing: Rebecca Taylor Sweater.  Rings from Catbird + A Bit Unruly (similar). 

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