gender reveal | boy or girl?

Gender Reveal | Boy or Girl?

We found out the gender of baby #2 over the holidays and surprised our family with the news on Christmas!  It made for an extra special Christmas Day and holiday season in general.  With Rex, we had our family over for a cake cutting reveal which was SO fun because we were surprised in the moment with them as well.  This time around we decided to look at the ultrasound and wrap a gift (pink or blue) to have Rex open on Christmas morning.  Our parents had no idea they were going to find out the news on Christmas Day so it was even more special.  It was perfect because both of our parents and my grandparents were there to share in the excitement.

Any guesses before jumping below… ?

The Reveal  |  We gave Rex a gift and the grandparents were oblivious to what was happening.  First Rex unwrapped a blue car and then a PINK car… and Tanner said: “one for you, and one for your baby sister.”  Blank stares.  No one got it at first so we had to say, “no really guys… we’re having a GIRL!!!”

As thrilled as I would be either way, to be honest it actually took me a few days to process that we were having a girl after that ultrasound.  Even though this pregnancy I sensed it was a girl; I was much sicker my first trimester and all of the wives tales seemed to be pointing to girl (break outs, greasy hair, moody / hormonal, craving sweets–the opposite of my pregnancy with Rex)… I still just pictured another boy.  All my life my mom and sister have always said I’d be a boy mom so it’s all I’ve really ever pictured.  Also maybe because it’s all I know and I thought another boy would just be easy (I already have all of the clothes!).  Also, I’ve had so so much fun with Rex.  Anyway, as much as I knew I would love having a girl I was sorta hoping for another boy.

But then after thinking about how special the mother-daughter relationship is (I call my mom multiple times a day), the sweet baby clothes (I went baby girl crazy shopping for her in Paris), and the fact that T and I will now each have a little buddy to do things with… I just couldn’t be happier!  And to see Rex as a big brother to a little sister… I just can’t wait.

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On Rex  |  HeyGang Overalls.

** I love this sweet made in the US/Texas clothing line (HeyGang) so much and can’t enough of these overalls on Rex.  They’re still a bit big but I couldn’t wait any longer.


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