A huge bucket of marigolds showed up on our doorstep last week while I was in Napa (thanks to my girlfriend Shannon who I had texted the night before, “are you going to the flower mart mañana?”). When I talked to T on the phone later that evening from Napa he was making fun of me–”um when are you going to have time to do anything with all of these?” HA, typical. It’s so like me to get an idea in my head and text a girlfriend to make it happen… but then, I can’t always follow through. I’m that person that has five books going at once, three blog post ideas at all times in my head (usually never executed–but my intention is there!), a handful of lists tossed in my purse, and various craft projects in the works (or also in my head and I want them to be in the works!). So this post is a little joke’s on me. And gosh darn it, I made those marigold garlands eventually… a few days later on Sunday afternoon with Willow girl by my side.
Originally I had wanted to make the garlands for Día de los Muertos / Halloween. I thought it would be a colorful touch for around the house and originally a fun DIY I thought I could do with Rex. [Side note, and the reality is: flowers, scissors, and needles and thread, are not an ideal mix for a toddler. So that didn’t quite work out. But when Rex finally went down for his nap I snuck out in the backyard and turned on my music and that’s when I’m really thankful for that non-moving baby stage. Hehe.] I loved that when I posted a few snaps of my marigold chains in the making some of you mentioned marigold’s importance in the celebration of Diwali as well. I loved learning about their significance in various celebrations and cultures.
Marigold flowers are called ‘Herb of the Sun,’ the distinct fragrance of these flowers helps improve one’s mood and ward-off stress and signify new beginnings and important events of life.

On Willow: Wild Wawa top (the sweetest brand! Some of my absolute favorite pieces I’ve gotten for Willow are from Wild Wawa–this sweater was a gift and I will be so sad the day she doesn’t fit in it anymore) and Go Gently shorts from Bitte

We strung them throughout the house and then Rex and I made kleenex ghosts to hang on the chains. Much more toddler friendly of an afternoon craft project!

Also, all of this marigold talk reminded me of this day! Do you remember when I turned this wild flower field into a marigold field?