These images perfectly depict motherhood to me. I had planned what I thought would be a fun mother-son getaway for Rex to San Francisco for the weekend. I had an itinerary filled with toddler activities that I knew he would love and places we’ve been meaning to take him to but haven’t yet. But only a few of those activities actually happened. Instead, Rex just wasn’t himself. His molars were coming in and he was extra fussy and just wanted to be held and cuddled most of the weekend… making it tough to even leave my sister’s apartment at times. I mean no complaints re: the cuddles, but I was bummed he wasn’t feeling good and that my “perfect weekend” wasn’t going as planned. On Saturday I thought some fresh ocean air would do him good, but instead of running down the beach together he was mostly in tears and just wanted to be held. Andriya Rances had reached out weeks prior about wanting to photograph Rex and I on film the next time we were in the city so I had thought this particular weekend would be perfect timing. I kept apologizing to Andriya that Rex wasn’t himself, but as a mom of three herself she totally got it, and saved the afternoon distracting him with a “hunt for sand crabs.”
As the sun was setting and that magical golden glow lit up the entire beach, I realized a slower pace to the weekend was actually just what I in fact needed as well. That motherhood truly is about going with the flow. (Funny too because that is my personality but for whatever reason I really wanted to make this weekend special for Rex before his sister arrived.). Now when I look at these photos I’m so thankful for those tearful sandy-toed cuddles and that slower weekend pace together because I know this time is fleeting.
I’ve been especially emotional lately thinking about how our family of three will soon be four–SO happy, beyond thankful, and yet also sad that my time with Rex will soon be split. My mom always tells me that she couldn’t imagine loving another baby as much as she loved me and then you DO. And that’s exactly how I’ve been feeling. It’s hard to imagine anyone else because you love your firstborn so much. But I also know that even during my pregnancy our family has already felt that much more complete. We can’t wait to meet you baby girl, and I have double the mama love to be thankful for this Mother’s Day!
Wishing you all a happy Mother’s Day / Mother’s Day weekend! xx

Photography | Andriya Rances