Happy Eve {+ Pretty Things}

Christmas is by far my favorite time of year (Thanksgiving following with a close second). Of course it’s always fun to receive gifts but the older I get the more I’ve come to cherish my time with family and appreciate the festivities. I’m happy to be home and am looking forward to making gingerbread houses, admiring Christmas lights and taking over an entire church pew with my extended family (we have a full house this year). Besides the obvious holiday excitement and singing along for hours to the *NSYNC Christmas CD, here’s a little snippet of the “pretty things” that got me through this week. A thrifted $10 sweater with cute little penguins. Sending (and receiving) Christmas cards. Pretty shoe clips from my sweet girlfriend. And my wedding heels arrived, pretty pink box and all!

Happy Christmas Eve and wishing you a champagne filled New Years!
Congrats to Jaci, winner of the Lulu*s scarf giveaway!

*I’ll be taking a mini blog break this next week (plenty of wedding planning and family time to be had), see you back here in 2011.

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